Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania XXXI WWE

Podcast Episode 165.5: The Brock Lesnar Situation

Billi’s got the insider information about Brock Lesnar – his contract, his take on WWE creative, and “the walk out”. He and Varski discuss his future in WWE, the build to the main event at WrestleMania, Daniel Bryan, Vince McMahon, and more. Featuring: ‘Dirtee Jesus’ Hashtag Billi (@DirteeJesus) and Varski (@iamvarski) Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley. [Read More]

Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania XXXI WWE

Podcast Episode 165: The Daily Show starring Seth Rollins

Folks, the Road to WrestleMania is officially a lot of fun. This week’s episode of Monday Night Raw was really good, and we had a really good time talking about it. Everything from Jon Stewart to the Intercontinental Championship ladder match to Triple H to the Divas Division, and even John Cena… it was all really entertaining and the card [Read More]