Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania WrestleMania XXXIII WWE

Podcast Episode 274: RAW After Mania, Theme Park Edition

All good things must come to an end. After RAW, Derek and Darrell join the rest of the crew to break down the weekend as we all look forward to next year.. in New Orleans! Featuring: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop), ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘A Bomb’ Adam Hess (@ahess49), ‘Dirty Jesus’ Billi Bhatti [Read More]

Podcast Revolution Pro Wrestling Ring of Honor The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania WrestleMania XXXIII WWE

Podcast Episode 273.5: WrestleMania 33 Results

The Ultimate Thrillride has come to a conclusion, and the guys break it down in the early hours of Monday after it all went down at Camping World Stadium (NOT the Orange Bowl) in Orlando. Featuring: ‘A Bomb’ Adam Hess (@ahess49), ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop), ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘Super Jew’ Jared (@SuperJew75), [Read More]

Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania WrestleMania XXXIII WWE

Podcast Episode 272: Mick Foley, You’re Fired!

Foley is gone and those closest to him on the roster are going to have hell to pay. From Sami Zayn to Cesaro and Sheamus to Bayley… This week was all about Stephanie’s wrath. Featuring: Psyniac (@rawispsyniac), ‘Super Jew’ Jared (@SuperJew75), Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag), and ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman). Run In: ‘The Beast from the Middle [Read More]