Commentary WrestleMania XXIX

The Road to RematchMania

Brock vs HHH! Cena vs Rock! Zack Ryder vs Catering! Been there, done that. Bemoaning the fact that the highest profile matches at Wrestlemania are, essentially, repeats has been a favorite pastime of the IWC over the last few weeks and I, certainly, have echoed this sentiment on our very own podcast. During Monday night’s show, however, I had a [Read More]

Podcast The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania XXVIII WWE

Podcast Episode 12.5: WrestleMania XXVIII Reactions

The Grand Daddy of Em All has come and gone! We had a great time watching and want to get a few thoughts out of our system before Raw goes on the air. Featuring: Darrell ‘Nostraslammus’ Johnson (@zazzumplop / @nostraslammus), Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag), Jared ‘The Jew’ (@SuperJew75), Bryan ‘Pipe Bomb’ Gregston (@guitarsalad), and Cousin Mike And to a [Read More]

Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania XXVIII WWE

Podcast Episode 12: The Saddest Podcast

The Road to WrestleMania comes to an end as we finally get to see it come to a head this Sunday! Finally! Finally… Hosted this week by Jared ‘The Jew’ (@SuperJew75) Featuring: Josh Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag) and Darrell ‘Nostraslammus’ Johnson (@zazzumplop / @nostraslammus) This episode has been archived. We’ll be glad to provide it on demand – just send [Read More]

Commentary WrestleMania XXVIII

The CM Punk Revolution

WWE is always scrambling in the summer months, still trying to recover from their WrestleMania hangover, where you’re likely to see stock prices drop, only to start moving back up as the next “Road to WrestleMania” begins the following year… This year, they took a big chance on announcing next year’s WM Main Event: The Rock vs. John Cena. I [Read More]

WrestleMania XXVII


The Rock HAS COME BACK! To the WWE… And with the help of Digital Royalty, he’s FINALLY arrived in the world of social media. With dR having been the force behind Shaquille O’Neal and UFC, I have no doubt that we’ll see some great interactions coming from The Rock. Speaking of the name, I for one am glad he’s embraced [Read More]