Podcast Royal Rumble The Steel Cage Podcast WWE

Podcast Episode 159.75 – Royal Rumble 2015 Results and Reactions

It’s not about “not getting what we want”. It’s about the ability to be dynamic and course correct. If Vince McMahon and company didn’t see the reaction they got on Sunday night coming from a mile away, then they are a house full of ‘Yes Men’ – and I’m not talking about the Daniel Bryan type. Something’s got to change, [Read More]

Podcast Royal Rumble The Steel Cage Podcast WWE

Podcast Episode 107.75: Royal Rumble Results

The Road to WrestleMania is officially underway. With mixed feelings, we run through what we just witnessed at the Royal Rumble and discuss what it might mean for the next few months of WWE programming. Why do you hate us, Vince? Featuring: Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘A-Bomb’ Adam Hess (@ahess49), Bryan ‘Pipe Bomb’ Gregston (@guitarsalad), and Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag) Music [Read More]