Commentary Nostalgia Royal Rumble Wrestlemania XXVI WrestleMania XXX WrestleMania XXXIII WWE

The Undertaker is Over. Not in the Way You’re Thinking, Though.

When you say someone is “over” in pro wrestling, that’s usually a good thing. “He’s so over with the fans” means that he’s getting a big reaction and they’re clamoring to see more. Let’s be clear – that’s not what I mean when I say that The Undertaker is over. I’m saying he’s over like shell art is over. In [Read More]

Podcast RAW Royal Rumble The Steel Cage Podcast United Kingdom Championship WWE

Podcast Episode 263: Roman, Strowman, Owens, and Zayn

This week’s RAW presented a significant improvement over last week’s in terms of watchability. Not great, but overall pretty solid if you can carve out a few hours of your day to watch it. Before we get into it, we digress a bit into the weekend’s United Kingdom Championship tournament. Pete Dunne is the best at being the worst, am [Read More]