Commentary Nostalgia

Zack Ryder: Let’s Try This Again

Maybe I’m reading this incorrectly, but this vaguely reminds me of Owen Hart’s heel turn… Would it be the worst thing ever if Zack Ryder embraced Owen Hart’s “Enough is Enough” attitude? Be angry. Be over the top. Most of all – be ridiculous.

Commentary WrestleMania XXIX

The Road to RematchMania

Brock vs HHH! Cena vs Rock! Zack Ryder vs Catering! Been there, done that. Bemoaning the fact that the highest profile matches at Wrestlemania are, essentially, repeats has been a favorite pastime of the IWC over the last few weeks and I, certainly, have echoed this sentiment on our very own podcast. During Monday night’s show, however, I had a [Read More]


About Zack Ryder…

Oh, radio. Tell me everything you know. Back when he started his YouTube show, Zack Ryder heard us – he knew what we wanted and he delivered. He wasn’t a part of any main storyline, but he entertained, and he bought himself airtime on WWE’s flagship television show, (with apologies to JBL) Raw. He truly was the Internet Champion, as [Read More]


WWE on YouTube: Week One, Continued…

They uploaded a few new shows as the week went on. Here’s the rest: 1 – Z! True Long Island Story The show that made Zack Ryder a star and caught the eye of WWE execs, bringing them to YouTube in the first place. If you’re not familiar, or just want to relive the past – this is one for [Read More]