Podcast Unfunny Nerd Tangent

Unfunny Nerd Tangent 122: Black Widow

It’s been a long time coming, but the MCU is back on the big screen! Phase Four kicks off in Budapest style with the release of Black Widow. We squeezed our dad bods into our old superhero suits to sit down and discuss the long-awaited MCU solo movie for Scarlet Johansson and the Black Widow character, daring to try and connect [Read More]

Podcast Unfunny Nerd Tangent

Unfunny Nerd Tangent 114: WandaVision

What is UNT if not podcasting persevering? That’s right, we watched WandaVision (and so did you) so we put together an Avengers-level crossover to talk about it. What did the MCU do for their first ever television series? Did they play it safe? Give us a bunch of comic book splash page images, or bring in a bunch of big-name [Read More]

Podcast Unfunny Nerd Tangent

Unfunny Nerd Tangent 80: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Where does the Marvel Cinematic Universe go after the exhilarating events of Avengers: Endgame? To a would-be ‘epilogue’ with everyone’s favorite neighborhood web-slinger in Spider-Man: Far From Home, of course! Still yearning for Aunt May, our dedicated team of Unfunny Nerds blipped back to sit down with a laid-back Canadian and the world’s angriest Transformers fan, to discuss the final [Read More]