Minutes With the Mayor Podcast

Minutes with the Mayor Ep. 40: Kayfabe & the Santa Claus Theory

This week, Derek and Mark have the age-old discussion “Is Kayfabe Dead?” in professional wrestling. Mark lays out his ‘Santa Claus Theory’ and how it pertains to growing up as a wrestling fan, Derek cites the reasons why expectations of performers may be too high, and they both once again gush about the wonderful things Ethan Page is doing on social media. [Read More]


Blurring the Line

As I watched Raw on Monday night, I totally called the Stephanie attack leading up to Triple H arriving on the scene. It’s the perfect way to move Orton over to Smackdown to have a rivalry with Triple H for that belt, leading to Wrestlemania! True to WWE’s latest trend of trying to blend reality with kayfabe, they have (finally) [Read More]