Podcast RAW The Steel Cage Podcast WWE

Podcast Episode 39: Jim Ross Appreciation Night

CM Punk is still afraid of Ryback, Damien Sandow shines, and the tag team division is heating up. All that and a possible Tensite turn on the podcast… Featuring: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag) and Darrell ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Johnson (@zazzumplop) Mascot: Bert ‘The Rock’ Schlag (@BertSchlag) Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley. This [Read More]


Socially Relevant

Just as he said, CM Punk has made the WWE socially relevant once again. Check these links for some pre-MitB commentary from ESPN and a fantastic interview via GQ: The Masked Man: On Wrestling and Reality (via ESPN’s GrantlandO The GQ&A: CM Punk Last night lived up to (and perhaps even exceeded) expectations. Fun show, compelling, left us asking questions [Read More]

Commentary WrestleMania XXVIII

The CM Punk Revolution

WWE is always scrambling in the summer months, still trying to recover from their WrestleMania hangover, where you’re likely to see stock prices drop, only to start moving back up as the next “Road to WrestleMania” begins the following year… This year, they took a big chance on announcing next year’s WM Main Event: The Rock vs. John Cena. I [Read More]

Commentary Predictions

WWE Universe Gets Punk’d

In regards to the events of Summerslam, the WWE Universe got “Punk’d” on two different levels. One – the obvious – CM Punk beat Jeff Hardy after perhaps Hardy’s most incredible jump off a ladder to date. Two – the already infamous “fan” interference during the Cena / Orton championship match. If you didn’t catch it, the match was moving [Read More]