Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Combat Zone Wrestling Commentary Event Results Evolve Impact Wrestling Lucha Underground NJPW PCW ULTRA PWG Ring of Honor


ALL IN finally happened… and it. Was. Awesome. While Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) watched it on FITE, the crew from The Strap podcast (@TheStrap) were there LIVE and in living color! Sarah (@TheSarahVanB) stops by to compare live notes, both for the big event and for Starrcast, and discuss the fallout.  Highlights include murdered Joeys, dick druids, Pharoah being the BEST BOY, [Read More]

Mae Young Classic NJPW North American Indies Podcast RAW Ring of Honor SmackDown The Steel Cage Podcast WWE

Podcast Episode 347: The Chop Heard ’round the World

You’ve been hearing it for weeks. Josh’s bachelor party in Austin was to become his funeral. Now we know why. This is the greatest thing to happen in the history of @thesteelcage podcast. Congratulations to the founder & proprietor, @schlizzag. From your friend @PCOQuebecer. — Derek Montilla (@Cap_Kaveman) September 3, 2018 Bachelor Party!!! — PCO the future of [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Event Results G1 Climax NJPW Uncategorized

CJAE 71: The Ace is BACK! (G1 28, Nights 13-19)

Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) & Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury) bring it back this week for a super-sized episode, covering a breathtaking final stretch of G1 Climax 28.  Join them as the Golden Lovers EXPLODE, Ishii completes the champions hat trick, ZSJ spoils Naito’s run, a wild Shibata emerges, and Hiroshi Tanahashi is in the driver’s seat as we start our Road to [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium G1 Climax Japanese Wrestling NJPW

CJAE 70: G1 28, Night 7-12!

Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury)(@BrasilianFury) back as they break down the middle third of this year’s G1 Climax tournament.  There’s a bit of drag here in the middle, as you’d expect, but also arguably the best match of the tournament so far, as Ibushi and Ishii beat each other black and blue, Omega put on shows with ZSJ [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium G1 Climax NJPW

CJAE 69: NIIIICE! (G1 28, Nights 1-6)

On this landmark episode, Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury)(@BrasilianFury) joins Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) to begin our annual G1 Climax coverage!  All tournament matches from the first 6 nights are covered.  Join in as the guys discuss the Pennywise-inspired madness of Lil’ Kazu, the badassery of Red Shoes, the surprising start by Yoshihiko, the plotting of the Switchblade, and the Adventures of Fair [Read More]