GCW Mat Mania Podcast NJPW NXT Takeover Podcast RAW Ring of Honor SmackDown The Steel Cage Podcast WrestleMania WrestleMania XXXV WWE

Podcast Episode 377: WrestleMania 35 Preview

The biggest weekend in wrestling each year is here! From WrestleMania to ROH x NJPW, NXT to Joey Janela’s infinite spring breaks… there’s something for everyone. This week, we get together with Rok and Neo from Mat Mania and break down the ROH card at The Garden, NXT, and the marathon that is Mania itself. Featuring: ‘Super Jew’ Jared (@SuperJew75), ‘The [Read More]

All Elite Wrestling Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Evolve GCW NJPW North American Indies PWG Revolution Pro Wrestling World of Sport

CJAE 82: Banter Edition!

After a slate of traveling to promote Faces In Heels Burlesque, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) returns to the LA studio and sits down with Joshua Gavin (@TheLumberJew) for a grab-bag edition of the show. Topics include, but aren’t limited to: Knife Pervert as the IWGP champ, Honor Rising, Jonathan Gresham kicking ass, mid-2000’s ROH, Orange Cassidy, old wrestle-dudes being trash, AEW [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Wrestle Kingdom


Our favorite event of the year is here again, as WrestleKingdom 13 delivered with surprises, epics, EIGHT title changes, and a lot of goodbyes.  Join Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) and Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury) as they break down the exodus of the Elite, the return of Okada’s Thighs, the coronation of the Switchblade, the Uncanny Valley broached by Tiny KUSHIDA, and the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Combat Zone Wrestling NJPW North American Indies PCW ULTRA

CJAE 79: We’re Goin’ to That Pay Windah!

Josh Gavin (@TheLumberJew) returns to join Captain Jack (@JackHeartless), as they break down the 3 money matches from the World Tag League Finals, the line-skipping Jackson brothers, Jack’s very first Cage of Death viewing, and the glory that is “The Southern Psycho” Mance Warner (@ManceWarner). Sponsored by WrestleCrate (@wrestlecrateusa) and Lapel Yeah (@LapelYeahPins) Opening theme by Lemi and the Captain. [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary CWF Mid Atlantic Event Results Impact Wrestling Interviews NJPW North American Indies PWG

CJAE 76: The Ballad of the Alabama Bobs!

We’re back, and so is Joshua Gavin (@TheLumberJew), as he joins Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) IN STUDIO this week during his visit to Los Angeles from the Mid-Atlantic territory.  They discuss the good and bad of NWA 70, recap their live viewing of PWG’s Smokey and the Bandido, swap Timothy Thatcher stories, discuss wild rumors about a new money promotion, pick [Read More]