Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Combat Zone Wrestling Commentary Event Results Evolve Impact Wrestling Lucha Underground NJPW PCW ULTRA PWG Ring of Honor


ALL IN finally happened… and it. Was. Awesome. While Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) watched it on FITE, the crew from The Strap podcast (@TheStrap) were there LIVE and in living color! Sarah (@TheSarahVanB) stops by to compare live notes, both for the big event and for Starrcast, and discuss the fallout.  Highlights include murdered Joeys, dick druids, Pharoah being the BEST BOY, [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Evolve Impact Wrestling Lucha Underground NJPW North American Indies PROGRESS Revolution Pro Wrestling

CJAE 57: How I Spent My Wrestling Vacation!

Fresh off a successful #Indymania trip to New Orleans, Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) is back in Los Angeles! This week he, along with travel buddy and True Wrestling Fables (@WrestlingFables) host Jonathan Bowles (@jonathanbowles), stops to reflect and break down a wild trip that involved 10 indy shows in 3 days, 2 cannonball runs through WrestleCon, copious amounts of coffee, [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Chikara Combat Zone Wrestling CWF Mid Atlantic Impact Wrestling NJPW NXT Takeover

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 42: Banter Edition!

David Hayes (@Davie06) returns to join Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) in the studio this week for a special Banter Edition of Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium…which means it’s a multi-topic, over-the-top free-for-all! Topics include, but are not limited to, spinebusters, bank robbers, the Natural, the Flairs, the Dragon, the NWA, the New Japan World Tag League, the Best Friends, why Jack [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Impact Wrestling Nostalgia Ring of Honor What Culture Pro Wrestling WWE Network

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 36: Humanoids for Heenan!

David Hayes (@davie06) returns to join Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) LIVE in studio this week.  They talk about the mass exodus from WhatCulture, and by extension, WCPW, the ongoing saga of GFW (or is it Impact?) & Anthem, and Jack closes the book on a longstanding issue, with the help of Wrestling Twitter. Most importantly, Dave & the Captain pay [Read More]