Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Podcast PWG

CJAE 48: You’re 5,000 Candles in the Wind

Fresh off of his tour through The Steel Cage’s HQ city of Phoenix, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is back, and is joined this week by comedy writer John Veron (@IBetterBeFunny).  They talk at length about PWG’s Mystery Vortex V, including the near-death of Flash Morgan Webster, the living embodiment of synthwave that is Joey Janela, the frenzy caused by the return [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Interviews North American Indies

CJAE 46: PCW ULTRA Anniversary 2K18!

Happy New Year, sailors!  Settle in as Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes PCW ULTRA booker & member of WARBEAST, Josef (@CVLTofWARBEAST), for a special interview.  No stone is left unturned, as they talk about Josef’s time in the business, touring Puerto Rico and Japan, learning from Kevin Sullivan, his tenure as NWA World’s Champion, and the way forward for PCW ULTRA.  [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Nostalgia

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 45: Season’s Beatings!

Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) & returning guest host David Hayes (@Davie06) aren’t usually big on holiday spirit.  However… In the history of pro wrestling, one Christmas moment outshines all others before or since: The moment when “Rowdy” Roddy Piper beat the crap out of Bobby “The Brain” Heenan on Prime Time Wrestling for spilling the beans on national television about Santa [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Wrestle Kingdom

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 44: Blood, Sweat and Trophies!

This week, Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) is joined by Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury) from Strong Style Story podcast (@StrongStylStory) to talk about the week in New Japan…and what a week it was!  New matches announced for WrestleKingdom 12, the official announcement that we, indeed, have a DOUBLE main event (sorry, Naito!), a new team winning the World Tag League, and the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling Lucha Underground Mexican Wrestling North American Indies

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 43: SoCal Indiemania!

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is joined by @ShakeThemRopes co-host Jeff Hawkins (@Crapgame13) as they talk about the great independent shows that transpired in southern California back on December 1st.  While Jeff attended a stellar outing from the ladies of RISE (@RISEdtwa), Jack was across town at PCW ULTRA (@PCWULTRA).  They provide a full rundown of both shows, including meeting [Read More]