
School of WWF: Steelhead’s Perspective

Welcome to Steelhead’s Bunkhouse Stampede.  If you are still reading this, shame on you.  The psychobabble about to be unleashed will make you question TSC’s sanity, and no refunds will be given for the loss of brain cells and decay of your general sense of morality incurred by sticking around these parts.  That’s your first (and only) warning, I suggest you heed to it. With that (contractually [Read More]

Commentary Nostalgia

Zack Ryder: Let’s Try This Again

Maybe I’m reading this incorrectly, but this vaguely reminds me of Owen Hart’s heel turn… Would it be the worst thing ever if Zack Ryder embraced Owen Hart’s “Enough is Enough” attitude? Be angry. Be over the top. Most of all – be ridiculous.


SummerSlam 1993: Ludvig Borga vs. Marty Jannetty

Forget that this is a match against the two favorite sons of The Steel Cage “Broadcast” for a second.  This match had more than two wrestlers tangoing for a few minutes solely to fill up necessary time commitments.  It had The Fink.  It had Bobby Heenan calling the match as a true heel announcer.  It had Vince McMahon saying what [Read More]


YouTube Nostalgia: Razor Ramon vs. The Kid

I remember watching this match when I was a kid. I had a basic understanding of what a jobber was, but I still thought the action was real. I’m pretty sure I spilled my Corn Pops when I saw this go down. Crazy for its time, at least. And yes, I believe the mullet count in ring is three.