Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results G1 Climax Japanese Wrestling NJPW

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 29: Wash Your Asses! Eat Some Vegetables!

The New Japan Pro Wrestling G1 Special in the USA is in the books, and your pals at The Steel Cage were there LIVE and IN PUBLIC, IF YOU WILL!  If you didn’t see these NJPW shows yet, go watch them right now. [Night 1 / Night 2 on NJPW World] We’ll wait…OK, good! Moving on! TSC boss Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage [Read More]

AAA Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium CMLL Interviews Japanese Wrestling NJPW PWG Ring of Honor

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 28: They Sold the Sonofabitch Out!

Are you hyped for New Japan to come to America yet?!  If not, this week’s show should make that happen, as Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is joined by CHAOS member and 1/2 of RPG Vice, Rocky Romero (@azucarRoc)! From debuting at 15, training with Antonio Inoki and Bas Rutten, touring with Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson, feuding with Virus and the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 27: Where’s Tito Santana’s Son In All of This?

After a layoff due to injury, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is back!  His guest this week is the author of Puroresu Tourism, Sleeve Assassin (@SleeveAssassin), and together they break down all of the results and fallout of NJPW Dominion 2017.  Topics include Jack’s ongoing distaste for Billy Gunn and Yoshitatsu, the Assassin’s ongoing ambivalence towards Cody Rhodes, the brackets for the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Insane Championship Wrestling NJPW North American Indies NXT PROGRESS Revolution Pro Wrestling What Culture Pro Wrestling WWE Network

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 26: Bring Us The Octuple Cage!

Don’t Hate The Geek’s David Hayes (@Davie06) returns for a 2nd consecutive week, in person, at the Minoru Suzuki Memorial Podcasting Hall!  He and Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) talk about YouTube hurting independent wrestling (especially WCPW), the Best of the Super Juniors final, Jack’s ongoing feud with David Arquette and the blow-off match it deserves, how Triple H views the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Predictions Ring of Honor

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 25: Shade, Shade Everywhere!

The Minoru Suzuki Memorial Podcasting Hall is open for business, and hosts its first in-studio guest!  Writer David Hayes (@Davie06) joins Captain Jack (@jackheartless) to talk about ROH & NJPW’s War of the Worlds PPV.  They also talk about why Randy Orton’s a garbage person, why Jeff Jarrett’s a garbage person, if the Bullet Club has hit critical mass yet… [Read More]