Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Wrestle Kingdom

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 44: Blood, Sweat and Trophies!

This week, Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) is joined by Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury) from Strong Style Story podcast (@StrongStylStory) to talk about the week in New Japan…and what a week it was!  New matches announced for WrestleKingdom 12, the official announcement that we, indeed, have a DOUBLE main event (sorry, Naito!), a new team winning the World Tag League, and the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling Lucha Underground Mexican Wrestling North American Indies

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 43: SoCal Indiemania!

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is joined by @ShakeThemRopes co-host Jeff Hawkins (@Crapgame13) as they talk about the great independent shows that transpired in southern California back on December 1st.  While Jeff attended a stellar outing from the ladies of RISE (@RISEdtwa), Jack was across town at PCW ULTRA (@PCWULTRA).  They provide a full rundown of both shows, including meeting [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Chikara Combat Zone Wrestling CWF Mid Atlantic Impact Wrestling NJPW NXT Takeover

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 42: Banter Edition!

David Hayes (@Davie06) returns to join Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) in the studio this week for a special Banter Edition of Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium…which means it’s a multi-topic, over-the-top free-for-all! Topics include, but are not limited to, spinebusters, bank robbers, the Natural, the Flairs, the Dragon, the NWA, the New Japan World Tag League, the Best Friends, why Jack [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Wrestle Kingdom

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 41: Alpha and Omega

New Japan’s Power Struggle PPV is in the books, and it had HUGE implications on the card for WrestleKingdom 12. Sleeve Assassin (@SleeveAssassin) returns to break down the card along with Captain Jack (@JackHeartless).  They discuss a dream partner for Kitamura in the proposed Power & Glory 3K, the fantastic rise of Roppongi 3K, the return of the Young Bucks, [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Podcast

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 40: Mama Don’t Like Tattletales!

Halloween’s the best holiday of the whole year, and Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) has brought back regular guest David Hayes (@davie06) to celebrate in style!  They watch & discuss master director/wrestling fan John Carpenter’s (@TheHorrorMaster) dystopian classic They Live, starring wrestling legend/CJAE favorite “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.  Whether it’s your very first or 30th time seeing it, listen along as they discuss [Read More]