Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Podcast

CJAE 49: I’m Not Crying, YOU’RE Crying!

In the wake of a gigantic weekend of shows and a 20 minute sellout for Strong Style Evolved, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is back, and is joined by the returning Chris Damasceno (@BrasilianFury) for a discussion of  all things New Japan Pro Wrestling. They break down both nights of the New Beginning in Sapporo, including the continued evolution of Our Large [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Podcast PWG

CJAE 48: You’re 5,000 Candles in the Wind

Fresh off of his tour through The Steel Cage’s HQ city of Phoenix, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is back, and is joined this week by comedy writer John Veron (@IBetterBeFunny).  They talk at length about PWG’s Mystery Vortex V, including the near-death of Flash Morgan Webster, the living embodiment of synthwave that is Joey Janela, the frenzy caused by the return [Read More]

3-2-1 Battle Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium NJPW Wrestle Kingdom

CJAE 47: To Wrestle Kingdom… and Beyond!

Wrestle Kingdom 12 is in the books, and joining Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) to talk NJPW’s biggest event for the 2nd year running is Eddie Van Glam (@eddievanglam)!  They break down the full card, including the hotly anticipated double main event of Alpha vs. Omega and Naito vs. Okada, and how it met their sky-high hopes and expectations.  They also dig [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Interviews North American Indies

CJAE 46: PCW ULTRA Anniversary 2K18!

Happy New Year, sailors!  Settle in as Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes PCW ULTRA booker & member of WARBEAST, Josef (@CVLTofWARBEAST), for a special interview.  No stone is left unturned, as they talk about Josef’s time in the business, touring Puerto Rico and Japan, learning from Kevin Sullivan, his tenure as NWA World’s Champion, and the way forward for PCW ULTRA.  [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Nostalgia

Captain Jack’s Armbar Emporium Ep. 45: Season’s Beatings!

Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) & returning guest host David Hayes (@Davie06) aren’t usually big on holiday spirit.  However… In the history of pro wrestling, one Christmas moment outshines all others before or since: The moment when “Rowdy” Roddy Piper beat the crap out of Bobby “The Brain” Heenan on Prime Time Wrestling for spilling the beans on national television about Santa [Read More]