Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Predictions

CJAE 54: Face-Chops Aplenty!

Happy Birthday, New Japan Pro Wrestling! Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes Geoff from Strong Style Story Podcast (@StrongStylStory) to break down the 46th Anniversary show from this past Monday night/Tuesday morning. Highlights include the symphony of violence that was Suzuki vs. Makabe for the Intercontinental Title, a fun main event between Okada and Ospreay, Naito getting back to his rudo roots, [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW Predictions PWG


What a week! Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes back Chris (@BrasilianFury) from @StrongStylStory Podcast to break down both nights for ROH/NJPW’s Honor Rising shows from Ryogoku. Highlights include #OurLargeSon Kitamura carrying Cheeseburger out of the arena like a baby, Golden Lovers Mania sweeping the world, Marty’s hair turning gray prematurely from stress, Uncle Creepy, Dalton Castle being strong as hell, the [Read More]

Event Results North American Indies PWG

CJAE 52: “I’m a Deathmatch Guy Now!”

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is joined by @TornadoTagRadioco-host Marianne (@SailorMoonsault), as they provide a live report from last Friday’s PWG show, Neon Knights.  They discuss Marianne’s undying love for Greg & Dustin, Brody King’s big debut, Adam Brooks’ status as the only fan of The Pirates of Dark Water, The Great Mutahdi, Raspberry Park, and a preview of the [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Event Results Japanese Wrestling NJPW

CJAE 51: Beard-Based Offense!

It’s been a tough week.  Pro wrestling is a bit of a garbage fire right now.  Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) & Chris (@BrasilianFury) hope to make it a little bit better by breaking down the 3rd and final New Beginning event from Osaka-Jo on February 10th. Highlights include Okada’s 600th day as IWGP Heavyweight Champion, SANADA’s best singles match to date, [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Nostalgia WWE Network

CJAE 50: My Favorite Feud – Piper vs. Flair

Holy CRAP, we made it to Episode 50!  To celebrate, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) brings back My Favorite Feud with the assistance of this week’s guest, @ComicBlackBook co-owner and host of Your Mom’s Basement, Kirk McPherson (@KirkLikesStuff).  Kirk chooses the sprawling, on-again-off-again rivalry between “Nature Boy” Ric Flair and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as his favorite, so in true CJAE fashion, a [Read More]