Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Interviews North American Indies

CJAE 66: Atti-Tuna!

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) sits down for an interview with Knokx Pro‘s (@KNOKXPRO) own leader of the Attituna Era, Tuna! She opens up about her uncle getting her invested in pro wrestling at an early age, training with Rikishi and the legendary Anoa’i family, learning the ropes both literally and figuratively, and her upcoming match at Suburban Fight Pro [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Commentary Interviews NJPW PWG

CJAE 65: The Taming of the Shamed!

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) has a sit-down with Martin Morrow (@martinMmorrow) as they talk wrestling memories, and then discuss Martin’s impactful live show from this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival, Taming of the Shamed.  They talk about the involvement of Wrestling’s Sweetest Man, Gentleman Jervis (@GentlemanJervis) and his gripping story, as well as Martin’s story of addiction, depression, shame, and [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium NJPW

CJAE 64: THIS is the Future Wrestling Fans Want!

After an un-be-lievable card at Dominion last weekend, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) is joined by Chris (@BrasilianFury) from @StrongStylStoryto break it all down. We have 4 new title holders, the re-emergence of Yoshihiko(!), the Young Bucks being big strong boys, Jeri-crow, Cody continuing his glorious shitbaggery, Rey Mysterio, Jr. defying nature, Hiromu defying common sense, and Kenny Omega defying the will [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium NJPW PCW ULTRA PROGRESS

CJAE 63: Put That Chair Down & Slap a Wristlock On!

This week, lead writer and host of No Sell It, Cristen Brinkerhoff (@wanda102), returns to the show to talk about the utter silliness of PROGRESS Wrestling (@ThisIs_Progress) and Chapter 70. “Progress 1978” was ridiculously fun and had something for everyone, from The Sheepwhackers to the Flamboyant AJ Streetsmith to “Double Meat” Popeye Mulligan and the INSANE commentary.  Any review [Read More]

Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium North American Indies PWG

CJAE 62: Underdogs!

This week, Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) welcomes writer and director Marcus Reyes (@VisualMMediaGrp) to discuss his upcoming documentary, Underdogs (@underdogsthedoc).  Marcus details his journey into the New Jersey independent scene, which led to following the promotion SWF and its wrestlers for a full year, which then gave birth to his 6-part documentary series. The stories about both familiar faces and new [Read More]