All Elite Wrestling Podcast Revolution The Steel Cage Podcast

Podcast Episode 462: Kayfabe Is Dead, But You Don’t Have to Piss On It

We’re in that in-between space from AEW Revolution to WWE WrestleMania. AEW put on a heck of a show. WWE’s gonna do what they do. Overall, we’re still having fun, especially watching the likes of CM Punk, Bryan Danielson/Mox/Regal, Thunder Rosa, and Kevin Owens as they do their things. But with the fun, comes the real stuff too. We had [Read More]

All Elite Wrestling Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Dynamite Impact Wrestling Revolution

CJAE 114: Murphy’s Law!

We’re back, and talkin’ wrestling again! Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) and Chris (@BrasilianFury) chop it up regarding all the happenings of both AEW Revolution and the following episode of Dynamite, with a sprinkle of IMPACT! for good measure. Grab a cold one and settle in! Sponsored by Slingshot House (@slingshothouse) and Faces in Heels Burlesque. Opening theme by Lemi and the [Read More]

All Elite Wrestling Elimination Chamber Podcast Revolution The Steel Cage Podcast

Podcast Episode 436: ¡Revolución!

Hello and welcome to Monday Night Hurt Business! And brother, business is a-booming! First of all, congrats to Bob Lashley and really the entire Hurt Business, they are holding all the gold, but for how long? Moving on to AEW, the Revolution was televised, and everyone will remember the end. It sucks that people are going to really hang on [Read More]