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Podcast Episode 444: Friends!

There are wars brewing again in the wrestling world. As “media”, we will give you all the coverage… but on our own damn time.

Sadly, Monday Night RAW continues to tank. They might as well be playing reruns. Hell, that’s not a bad idea…

As far as WWE goes, thank goodness for Smackdown and NXT! And Drew McIntyre. We love you Drew, and we wish you the best at Hell in a Cell…

SPEAKING OF HELL IN A CELL, there is a certain level of stoke for this Sunday’s show. Will Drew succeed in his “Last Chance” HIAC match? Will Rey Mysterio stand a chance against Roman Reigns (the odds overwhelmingly say “no”) in the other Cell match? (Update: Apparently that match is happening TONIGHT which is crazy) Is Charlotte’s rampage going to turn into (MORE) gold? Finally, will Karen, I mean Bayley, succeed in her nefarious plot to once again dominate SmackDown? We’ll find out soon enough.

We ultimately want all wrestling to GO TO THE MOON! And there’s a fighting chance, as we welcome (back) our savior, Samoa Joe. We look forward to seeing you choking out people weekly.

We also want to say “see ya down the road” to Lio Rush, ACH, Faye Jackson. We hope you find joy in everything you do.

Winners of the week!

Featuring: ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘Neo’ David Valencia (@theneoecks), and ‘Uncle Beek’ Jeremey (@jaimsvanderbeek)

Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley

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