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Hogsmen Pod: Numero Treinta y Tres

The Hogsmen “El Numero Uno” Mike Camden and “The American Kaiju” Devin Sparks talk about experiences in pro wrestling and whatever else is going on.

The Hogsmen are back!! Your week long nightmare of not having a new Hogsmen podcast is over! Devin and Mike get together at casa de Camden to catch up after a week and a half. This week on the pod the guys talk about their thoughts on Domenik’s debut at Summerslam and subsequent future matches after that. They also talk about seminars and the problems with inexperienced wrestlers attending them, is so cal still a part of the country that gets ignored when it comes to wrestling, Mikes trip to Chicago and what its like traveling in 2020, the passing of Chadwick Boseman, and then a dive deep into movie talk! All that and so much more!

Also… Fuck Andy Brown.

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