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Hogsmen Pod: Numero Treinta

The Hogsmen “El Numero Uno” Mike Camden and “The American Kaiju” Devin Sparks talk about experiences in pro wrestling and whatever else is going on.

The Hogs are back! Tune into episode 30 as Devin and Mike reconvene at Casa De Camden to catch up. This week the guys chat about fighting in their youth, promo class with the Kaiju returns, featuring………….HEYYY YOOOOOOO!!! Apparently Marty Jannetty KILLED A GUY, Promo Mania news… Also, at the end you can find out how you can help find some support for Devin’s big idea. Listen until the end to find out! Tune in to the most entertaining professional wrestling podcast in all of Southern California!!

Also… Fuck Andy Brown.

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