Welcome to AT3 on The Steel Cage, where our Down Under contingent fights off the Drop Bears to discuss their Top 3 of a variety of wrestling topics.
This week, our bevy of bonza beauties decided to choose our Top 3 Factions of all time. And of course, we chose The New World Order, D-X and The IV Horsemen.
But what would you choose if you couldn’t choose those three? Well, we dove deep and decided to pick out some stellar factions from wrestling’s past, present (and future). Some of them are no-brainers, some are a little left of centre and others… well, they might have to be heard to be believed.
So, grab your Esky, crack a cold one and have a listen to Episode 3 of AT3.
We’ll see you Down Under.
Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).
Featuring: ‘Little Sherbie’ Stacey Herbert (@littlesherbie) & ‘Stinga’ Steve Wray (@stinga57).
Music courtesy of Purple Planet.
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