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Derek and Tim Eat Snacks Ep. 58: Sour Patch Kids Cereal


This week on the DATEScast, there are so many new cereals to be tried and such little time. With the cereal snack game booming, Tim and Derek have dedicated this entire month to rating some of these new crossover cereals popping up in grocery stores around the country. We kick things off with a Wal-Mart exclusive…Sour Patch Kids Cereal. The medical marijuana community demanded Sour Patch Kids, and so did someone in the cereal community apparently. Is it really sour? Does it ruin your milk? Find out on an all-new DATES that further confirms cereal IS a snack food.  

Featuring: Derek Montilla (@cap_kaveman) & Tim Agne (@timagne)

Music by: Polly Hall & Andrew Barkan, and Band of Skulls (@bandofskulls)

Inspired by: Mike and Tom Eat Snacks

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