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Unfunny Nerd Tangent 61: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

As Thanksgiving approaches, your favorite Unfunny travel companions rug up in their winter coats and dive into a classic comedy from the 1980s – Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

Our fearless trio share some of their own horrific travel stories, before the two Americans explain the importance of getting home in time for Thanksgiving to the lone Aussie.

Greig and Jared may have inadvertently stumbled onto the secret origin of Tim’s Veronica Mars obesession, Korg returns, we all ponder what’s actually in Del Griffin’s luggage trunk and accidentally trigger a Better Call Saul / Game of Thrones Emmy war.

Oh, and Kevin Bacon.

Yep, you heard us.

Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).

Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) and ‘Hotel Room’ Tim Agne (@timagne).

Music by Paul Young & Ray Charles.

Don’t wander the country alone these holidays. Make Mon Milfma your travel buddy with an Unfunny Nerd Tangent shirt! 

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