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Podcast Episode 204: Let the Beat Build

Winner of the Week, Lilian Garcia.
Winner of the Week, Lilian Garcia.

The Wyatt Family has The Dudley Boyz cornered, but here’s an old friend to save the day! Great. Now let’s put them in a match immediately. Wait, what?

Sheamus is champion. Long live the smarmy asshole! Oh, but here comes Roman Reigns to get one up on him. No matter, Sheamus has a bunch of bad guy friends, and they even have a name for their group, and everything. Wow, Roman’s screwed. Now let’s throw in even more bad guy friends, and put them all in a match, right away! Wait, why? Stop.

There is no such thing as anticipation in today’s WWE product. We saw it back when they rushed the CM Punk / John Cena storyline. It’s only gotten worse. I don’t know why they think it’s a good idea to rush everything. Maybe it’s the binge watching culture we live in. Maybe it’s lots of things. I mean, this is but one of many problems plaguing the WWE product in 2015.

Enough is enough, right? The beat is so much better when it can build for a while before it drops. Perhaps I’ve been listening to too much Switched on Pop lately.

Hosted by: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag)

Featuring: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop), ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman), and ‘Hot Podcast Garbage’ Sprung (@jasprung).

Intro Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.

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