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Podcast Episode 198: The Stay Home Show

TV-PG doesn’t apply to unicorns.
Even with a carousel of legends appearing including Austin, HBK, and Flair, RAW wasn’t great.  But we talk about our favorite moments and read some emails. We also cover two guys talking about hunting and what brand of scope they like to use. Exit left and arrive at your destination, Disappointment City (clap…clap…clap,clap,clap).

UPDATE: We had an issue with Darrell’s audio vanishing, so Derek talks to himself for more than half of this one.

Featuring: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop) and ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek Montilla (@cap_kaveman)

Intro music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.

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