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Podcast Episode 190: SummerSlam 2015 Results

3D! 3D! 3D! Dudley Death Drop!

What a weekend of wrestling! Saturday delivered two solid events in Brooklyn – Ring of Honor’s Field of Honor and NXT TakeOver. The subways were packed with fans in wrestling shirts, and that wasn’t even the primary draw for either of those crowds!

SummerSlam was built up to have a WrestleMania feel, and it pretty much delivered. Big time matches, intriguing finishes, and more – made it pretty much worth the hype. The Raw after SummerSlam followed suit, complete with a crowd (occasionally) going into business for themselves, debuts / returns, and all sorts of other shenanigans. Besides the fact that Teddy Long booked that show, it’s hard to complain too much.

Oh, except for Sting. Fuck that guy. (Not an opinion shared by all members of this podcast…)

Hosted by: Bryan ‘Pipe Bomb’ Gregston (@guitarsalad)

Featuring: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag), Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘Super Jew’ Jared (@SuperJew75), and ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop).

Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.

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