It’s been quite the interesting ride to 2014’s Money in the Bank, hasn’t it? We lost our champion to injury, a bunch of guys got fired, and one of the hottest factions in years got broken up. For better or for worse, at least the results have been pretty entertaining.
At MITB, we’ll see a new champion… a new top challenger… and maybe even new tag team and Divas champions. Who knows what will happen on Sunday? Unpredictability is a good thing.
BONUS: Interview with one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions, Jimmy Uso (@WWEUsos)
Hosted By: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop)
Featuring: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag), Derek (@cap_kaveman), Sprung (@jasprung), and ‘Dirtee Jesus’ Hashtag Billi (@DirteeJesus).
Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.
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WWE’s RAW results – June 23, 2014: [Click here].
WWE Money in the Bank Preview: [Click here].
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