We’ll be recording this week’s podcast a day late, as we want to make sure everyone is on board and we get to talk about EVERYTHING WrestleMania related. Until then, check out some photos from our time in New York / New Jersey, and keep on singing Fandango’s theme…
Found this little guy at the Target by my house in Phoenix. He’s coming along for the ride!
Killing some time at Sky Harbor Airport. No, don’t do it! I’ll handle the beer, Mini CM Punk.
Landed at JFK. First signs of ‘Mania. Literally.
Mini CM Punk enjoys the subway. I did, sans the crazy people and the yelling.
Saturday morning, en route to WrestleCon on a lovely New Jersey Transit bus!
We made it! Of course, Virgil took our table. We got set up eventually though.
Our page in the WrestleCon program, vendor pass, MetroCard, and $5 Wrestling ticket.
We got to meet a lot of fans and potential fans. Thanks to everyone who came by!
Terri Runnels was set up next to us. D-Lo Brown, in full Aces & Eights garb, made sure to say hello as he passed by.
One of many lucky winners of horrible WWE Shop merch!
A blurred image of Marty Jannetty actually seems quite appropriate, here.
Judah Friedlander (30 Rock) – The World Champion!
Meanwhile, in Tennessee, my brother (also our designer and occasional podcast contributor), Danny. He was competing in a weightlifting competition, and Hillbilly Jim drove down to hang out.
Seriously, how many folks can say they had Hillbilly Jim in their corner. Way cool.
Back in NY… Was this place for tourists and overpriced? Sure. It was delicious, though!
Mini CM Punk enjoys the view from the rooftop of our hotel before we head out on WrestleMania Sunday.
Rocking the same shirt I wore for WM XXVI.
Adam is ready in full Cena garb.
The flags next to our tailgate location. Thanks fellow Wredditors for hosting us!
I think he has the pose down.
Seriously, Mini CM Punk. I got this. Back off.
These guys were playing wrestler theme songs out of the back of a van. I walked by as they transitioned from Ultimate Warrior to DX.
This is a Vikings jersey I can respect. Even if it barely sort of happened.
Uh oh! It’s The Big O! Adam ran into Zack Ryder’s buddies (Chiapetta as well) in line for the pisser.
The set was simultaneously the best and worst part of WM this year. After quite a bit of jumping through hoops, we got seated in alternate seating. More on that later…
The view from the hotel rooftop as we reflected on the weekend.
Decided to walk a bit and grab a beer before heading out. Happened upon Empire State Building. What luck!
For most of the last 30+ years of my life, I've been watching WWE. As a kid, Monday Night Raw hooked me from the start. From Bret Hart and Razor Ramon, to Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, to CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.. I've witnessed the ups and downs and I'm proud to have enjoyed pro wrestling through the years.
Though I now watch in a much different fashion than I did when I was a kid (finding out Vince McMahon was the owner and Jack Tunney no more than a figurehead was like finding out Santa Claus did not exist), I feel like I have a much greater appreciation for the hard work pro wrestlers do and the things they sacrifice to entertain us.