With The People’s Champion nowhere to be seen, two of the best and hardest working guys on the wrestler put on a show for the #1 Contender spot. With CM Punk now out of the picture, we officially have Twice in a Lifetime to look forward to. To add to Rematchamania, it looks as if Brock / Triple H is pretty much a lock – no complaints there, though, after their showing on Raw. Besides that, a whole bunch of filler as Raw hit a bit of a pothole in a sold out Dallas arena. Bumps in the road, or not, we truck on towards New York!
In addition to the usual banter, we also play a wrestler themed version of Doug Benson’s favorite “The Leonard Maltin Game”.
Hosted by: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag)
Featuring: Darrell ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Johnson (@zazzumplop), ‘A-Bomb’ Adam Hess (@ahess49) and Sprung (@jasprung)
Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.
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