WMXXVIUniversity of Phoenix Stadium has posted some great information on their website, in regards to this year’s WrestleMania.

In particular, I was looking for some information regarding parking. It will be general parking or VIP, with passes selling for $20 and $50, respectively. These can be purchased in advance or upon driving up in cash. Personally, I’ll be ordering one so I don’t have to worry about it when the day comes.

You’ll have to fill out a form and fax or email it. Kinda old school, but it works… Here’s a link to the PDF form:


Other details are available on the website:


Joshua Schlag

For most of the last 30+ years of my life, I've been watching WWE. As a kid, Monday Night Raw hooked me from the start. From Bret Hart and Razor Ramon, to Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, to CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.. I've witnessed the ups and downs and I'm proud to have enjoyed pro wrestling through the years.

Though I now watch in a much different fashion than I did when I was a kid (finding out Vince McMahon was the owner and Jack Tunney no more than a figurehead was like finding out Santa Claus did not exist), I feel like I have a much greater appreciation for the hard work pro wrestlers do and the things they sacrifice to entertain us.

It's still real to me, dammit!